The 4th annual GUM-Autorally took place in Moscow on July, 2017 . The event featured 120 antique automobiles of Soviet makes from the 1930’s to 1970’s. The route of the rally covered some of the most significant historical landmarks of the Capital. Traditionally the GUM-Autorally is one of the central social events of the summer season.

The Linnikov & Partners Team consisted of five crews. The family crew consisting of Diana, Valentina, Alexander and Yuri Linnikov took off under number 11 aboard the family relic – the 1965 GAZ-21 Volga – belonging to the grandfather and great-grandfather of the new generations of the family. This year the very first owner of the elegant grey Volga Colonel Vorobiev celebrated his 90th anniversary.
Other cars from the Linnikov family collection followed the lead: the 1979 GAZ-24 Volga, the 1980 Morkvitch-2140 of the unique citron color, the 1953 M-20 Pobeda and the rare 1959 Moskvitch-407. All cars successfully completed the 100-killometer rally all around Moscow.

The law firm of Linnikov & Partners and the Linnikov family thank the organizers and participants of the rally for this fantastic historical event. Special thanks to the leader of the Gorkyclassic movement journalist and writer Ivan Paderin and Mikhail Kusnirovich – entrepreneur, benefactor and owner of the legendary GUM Red Square.