On 28-30 November, 2017 the Financial University hosted its 4th International Forum WHO KNOWS WHAT TOMORROW HOLDS? dedicated to the discussion of contemporary challenges in the fields of economics, finance, politics, and technologies. Traditionally the forum was attended by the leading politicians, businessmen, members of the academic and expert community, winners of the Nobel Prize. At the forum the Rector of the Financial University Prof. Eskindarov signed the cooperation agreement with the Secretary General of the European Institute of Political, Economic, and Social Studies Prof. Marco Ricceri – the traditional ally of Linnikov & Partners in academic and educational projects.
Italian scholars invited by Linnikov & Partners Luca Brusati, professor of the Luigi Bocconi University from Milan, professor of the Turin University Dario Peirone, and professor of the Parma University Giovanni Verga spoke at the forum session Digital economy: a myth or a real breakthrough? moderated by the Vice-Rector of the Financial University Prof. Vladimir Maslennikov.
On the final day of the forum Professor of the Financial University Alexander Linnikov and Secretary General of EURISPES Prof. Marco Ricceri attended the international student conference of the Department of World Economy and World Finance of the Financial University dedicated to the effect of the foreign economic factors and the new digital reality in the integrity of the state.