On 21.07.2018 in Moscow took place the central event of the classic cars rally season — the anniversary fifth GUM-RALLY. The Linnikov & Partners team of Alexander Linnikov (driver), Sergei Sadovoi (navigator), and Valery Diudin (coach) joined the race aboard the 1984 UAZ-469. Original vehicle of the L&P team — the legendary so-called goat with authentic Soviet Army insignia on its sides — drew a great deal of attention from the press, participants, and guests of the rally. It’s important to note that, despite several previous misfortunes and mechanical failures, during the current rally season Alexander Linnikov and Sergei Sadovoi have significantly improved their sporting form and came into the top 10% of the leading teams of the GUM-RALLY — 2018.
You may learn more about GUM-RALLY — 2018 at the web-sites of the hosts of the event — Bosco di Ciliegi and Gorkyclassic: