20-21/10/2022 Alexander Linnikov took part in the events of the global GRIMALDI ALLIANCE Partners’ Forum.
The law firm of LINNIKOV & PARTNERS joined the GRIMALDI ALLIANCE in 2019 and today is one of the most active and efficient members of the Alliance. Solid business relationships with Alliance partners allow L&P to provide representation and protection of rights and lawful interests to Russian and international clients throughout the world, regardless of political obstacles and international sanctions. As of November, 2022 L&P is engaged in over three dozen of international cases in 12 European jurisdictions and the USA.
The Forum, that in 2022 attracted over 20 GRIMALDI ALLIANCE partner-firms, was dedicated to the matter of growth, improvement of management quality and reinforcement of cooperation between the Alliance members. Upon completion of the plenary session chaired by the Alliance founders Francesco Sciaudone and Michael Bray, the participants divided in several working groups: transnational business and international trade, digital transformation, corporate law and insolvency, banking and financial law. Alexander Linnikov contributed to the work of the “banking and financial law” group, taking the lead in the discussion of cross-border payments in the context of intentional sanctions.
LINNIKOV & PARNTERS thanks the founders and members of the GRIMALDI ALLIANCE for productive joint work, friendship, and most importantly, for the human and professional support that the colleagues from all over the world give to L&P in today’s difficult circumstances.