On 08/02//2023 attorney Tatiana Tsepkina took part in the conference of the Public Commissioner for Protection of Rights of Entrepreneurs in the City of Moscow Tatiana Mineeva with business operators of the retail trade, restoration and hospitality sectors. The meeting took place at the offices of the Prefect of the Central Administrative Circuit (CAC) of Moscow and was attended by Vice-Prefect Artur Nikitiuk and Heads of several districts of the CAC. The friendly format of such regular events provides entrepreneurs with an opportunity to address the authorities directly on the most sensitive matters, as well as facilitates cooperation between businesses and public administration and helps protect the balance of interests.
A key part in establishment of equal dialogue between city authorities and its business community belongs to the Public Reception Offices of the Public Commissioner for Protection of Rights of Entrepreneurs in the City of Moscow that are particularly committed to the protection of rights of small and medium enterprises. 12 out of 41 Public Reception Offices currently active in Moscow operate in the Central Administrative Circuit, including the Office for Protection of Rights of Foreign Entrepreneurs and Investors lead by the founder of L&P Alexander Linnikov.