On 16.05.2018 the team of Linnikov & Partners attended the exhibition of the great artist Vasilij Vereshagin, who worked on the edge of the XIX and XX centuries. His classic masterpieces of Russian battle paining are demonstrated in the halls of the New Tretyakov Gallery.
Two sets of academic publications of the Linnikov & Partners team were donated to the fundamental libraries of the Turin University and the La Sapienza University in Rome at request of the Italian colleagues. The books will help the faculty and students to study Russian and international law, economics, and Russian language in depth.
On 11.05.2018 Alexander Linnikov visited the influential Tremonti law firm in Milan. Giulio Tremonti is an outstanding Italian jurist, scholar, and statesman, minister of economy and finance in four governments of Silvio Berlusconi over the period from 1994 to 2011.
On 9 May, 1945 ended the Great Patriotic War. The Victory of the Soviet People cost millions of lives put an end to the diffusion of the universal evil - anti-human ideology of fascism and racial supremacy. We wish to our friends, colleagues, and clients, in Russia and other countries, a clear peaceful sky above, health, prosperity, and a calm and secure life, that our grandparents and great grandparents wished for us as they shed their blood on battlefields and worked hard for the Great Victory!
On 07.05.2018 the offices of La Stampa hosted the finals of the contest of student start-ups organized by the Department of Economics of the University of Turin. Author of the project Prof. Dario Peirone invited representatives of the La Stampa publishing house, UniCredit group, and University of Monaco to participate in the jury. Alexander Linnikov sat on the jury of the contest on behalf of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and the law firm of Linnikov & Partners.