17.03.2021 the farewell was held to the doctor of economic sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Theory of Financial University, friend, comrade and brother Dmitry Evgenievich Sorokin.
03.04.2021 The Council of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences unanimously approved the report of Alexander Linnikov on the meaning of human capital to maintain the economic security of Russia.
03.03.2021 at 17:00 Alexander Linnikov will take part in the discussion within the framework of the event “Wise Men Online” on the topic “Advocacy in Russia: Present and Future”.
21.02.2021 the Chairman of the Council of Linnikov & Partners Sergei Sadovoy, on behalf of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of Russia (FPA), awarded L&P attorneys with badges of honor for their impeccable work to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of clients.