28.06.2021 Alexander Linnikov gave another comment by the TV channel "Russia 24" on the situation in Belarus. This time, it was about the introduction of sanctions by the European Union regarding the Republic of Belarus, as well as the possible ways to overcome restrictions and reorienting the markets of the Sales of Belarusian products.
25.06.2021 the founder of "Linnikov and Partners" gave a comment on the air of the TV channel "Russia-24" about the situation with the state debt and external borrowings of the Republic of Belarus.
From 7.06.2021 to 10.06.2021, Saratov hosts one of the main events in the world of jurisprudence – the International Legal Forum. Alexander Linnikov made a report at the Forum on the current topic "Cross-border protection of business interests in the Russian Federation in the context of a pandemic", which was adopted by the experts present at the session, and also gave rise to a number of discussions and proposals for improving legislation.
From 2.06.2021 to 5.06.2021 the founder of Linnikov & Partners took part in various events and discussion platforms held within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Congratulations on the Great Victory Day! The bright memory to the fallen heroes, glory and gratitude to the victorious warriors and selfless workers of the rearward for a peaceful sky over our heads and the prosperous life of many generations! Let the echoes of The Great Patriotic War remain only in books and films, and there is pride in our hearts for the immortal feat of the heroes of the Fatherland!