On 24/05/2022 the official Telegram channel of the Russian Government announced an initiative to simplify the procedure for expedited unilateral termination of lease agreements concluded between owners of Russian shopping centres and companies from "hostile” states.
On 21/05/2022 the Moscow Regional Chamber of Attorneys and the Federal Attorneys’ Chamber of Russia hosted the 8th annual lawyers’ tournament of the sporting version of the “What? Where? When?” intellectual game, dedicated to the Day of the Russian Law Community.
On 19/05/2022 the Linnikov &Partners team learned about the pending intention of the Ministry of Finance of Russia to propose abolition of the value added tax (VAT) on purchase of diamonds.
On 16/05/2022, the Panorama news program on the Belarus-1 channel featured the interview of Alexander Linnikov, in which he told the viewers about the impact of Europeans sanctions on the economies of Russia and Belarus and covered the topic of the so-called sanction boomerang – the radical adverse effect of sanctions on the very states that introduce them.
On 17/05/2022 Russian partners of the Grimaldi Alliance analyzed the comments of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) regarding the draft law On external administration for the management of the organization, the purpose of which is to establish rules for the external management of Russian divisions of international companies whose owners have announced their withdrawal from the Russian market.