On 21/02/2024, Alexander Linnikov appeared on the "DAY" program on the RBC channel to comment on the consequences of the Bank of Russia's decision to revoke the license for banking operations from QIWI Bank. The founder of L&P answered questions from the program's hosts and engaged in constructive dialogue with the studio guests on RBC.
On 21/02/2024, the informational portal of the newspaper "Izvestia" published a commentary by Alexander Linnikov on the recent decision of three largest banks in China to discontinue operations with Russian credit organizations subjected to restrictive measures by the EU and the US.
On 20/02/2024 Alexander Linnikov honored the invitation of Moscow’s Business Ombudsman Tatiana Mineeva to attend the ceremony of inauguration of the Reception Office of the Public Commissioner for Protection of Rights of Entrepreneurs in the City of Moscow for Export and Localization of International Business.
On 16/02/2024 Alexander Linnikov and Alexei Sereda took part in the 20th International Research-to-Practice Conference “Kovalyov Readings” in Ekaterinburg.
The L&P team congratulates all our friends, colleagues, and clients in the world that honor the Oriental New Year with most sincere wishes of peace, joy, prosperity, and success!