On November 15, 2015 the Academic Council of the Department of World Economy and World Finance of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation unanimously elected Alexander Linnikov, Ph.D. to the position of Assistant Professor.
On November 3, 2016 the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation hosted a joint session of the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors of the Non-Commercial Partnership National Payments Council dedicated to the matters of implementation of advanced technologies on financial markets and the conference Innovative Services for Banks and Business.
Third stage of the Russian Automobile Federation Classic Cars’ Rally Cup took place Sunday October 2, 2016. The participants of the rally took off from the Moscow Raceway and covered the complicated route of 190 kilometers on the roads of the Moscow Region.
Alexander Linnikov and Leonid Karpov were invited by the Saratov State Law Academy (SSLA) to speak at the International academic and practical conference Issues of immigration and migration security in the modern world: legal, political, and humanitarian aspects. The event was held on September 28 and 29, 2016 in the context of the Saratov Law Readings dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the SSLA.
By the decree of the Council of the Moscow Regional Chamber of Advocates (MRCA) of July 20, 2016 Alexander Linnikov was awarded the medal of the Honorary Advocate of the Moscow Regional Chamber of Advocates for his outstanding commitment to the cause of protection of constitutional rights and liberties of citizens.