On March, 17 Alexander Linnikov took part in the session of the Council under the Chairperson of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of Russia on interaction with the institutes of civil society.
On February 20 and 21, 2017 Director General of MM S.p.A. (Metropolitana Milanese – www.metropolitanamilanese.it) Stefano Cetti and his Deputy for international and public relations Emilina Maria Colombo visited Russia. Member of the Board of Directors of the Russian subsidiary of MM S.p.a. Alexander Linnikov hosted Italian guests in Moscow.
On February 13, 2017 Alexander Linnikov attended the international teleconference Problems of development of small and medium enterprises in Russia and Poland, held jointly by Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and the John Paul II Lublin Catholic University.
The beginning of 2017 for Linnikov & Partners is marked by a new achievement – signing of a co-operation with the financial and banking group UBI Banca which holds the third place among the largest credit institutions of Italy and is considered one of the 30 largest banks of Europe.