On 19/10/2017 on the margins of the Х Eurasian Economic Forum, Alexander Linnikov held a working meeting with the Verona branch of the General Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria) to discuss the prospects of cooperation between L&Pwith Confindustria of Verona in the sphere of providing legal assistance and consulting services to Italian companies and entrepreneurs-members of the association operating in Russia.
Alexander Linnikov and Diana Linnikova take part in the anniversary X Eurasian Economic Forum, which takes place in Verona on October, 19th and 20th, 2017.
NTV plans to release the Special Editionshow dedicated to the case of deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Oleg Korshunov who was arrested on 14/09/2017 by the Basmanny District Court of Moscow on a bogus embezzlement charge.
On September 21, 2017 in the capital of Lombardy under the aegis of the forum Moscow - Milan: Preserving Traditions and Building Cities of the Future the Government of the City of Moscow, MM S.p.A (Metropolitana milanese), the Moscow Metropolitan and the Russian-Italian joint venture MMB Project Rus concluded agreements on cooperation. The documents were signed by the Pice-mayor of Moscow Sergei Cheriomin, the President of MM S.p.A Davide Corittore and Director general of MMB Project Rus Alexei Dotsenko.
Upon request of Metropolitana milanese the law firm of Alexander Linnikov has overseen the drafting and preparation of agreements for signing on behalf of the Italian side.
On September 20, 2017 Alexander Linnikov and founder of Strategy & Development Fabrizio Zucca visited the headquarters of ASSOLOMBARDA in Milan and met with the head of the Internationalization and Business Department Giulia Ripetto.