On 01/11/ 2017 IKANO BANK hosted reception for management and business partners of the IKEA corporation dedicated to the issuance to the Bank of a retail license of the Bank of Russia. Among the guests were Alexander Linnikov, Sergei Sadovoy and Sergey Kloss.
On 24/10/2017 Alexander Linnikov spoke at the round table Development of the Institute of Advocacy and Protection of Rights of Citizens in the Context of Eurasian Integration hosted by the Constitutional Legislation Committee of the Council of the Federation.
Alexander Linnikov took part in a series of seminars for the financial and legal professionals held by the Legalmondo Association on October 20 and 21, 2017 in Milan. The main topic of the events was marketing and promotion of legal services, as well as effective use of the Internet in by practicing attorneys.
In course of the X Eurasian Economic Forum in Verona on 20/10/2017 Alexander Linnikov conducted a series of negotiations in the B2B platform provided by the forum.
On 19/10/2017 on the margins of the Х Eurasian Economic Forum, Alexander Linnikov held a working meeting with the Verona branch of the General Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria) to discuss the prospects of cooperation between L&Pwith Confindustria of Verona in the sphere of providing legal assistance and consulting services to Italian companies and entrepreneurs-members of the association operating in Russia.