On 28/03/2023 Alexander Linnikov took part the session of the round table “Development of Financial Markets of Russia and Belarus in the Context of EAEU Integration” hosted by the Chair of International Financial Markets and FinTech of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE) and the Belorussian State University of Economics and delivered his report “International Compliance and Legal Methods of Mitigation of Impact of Restrictive Measures (Sanctions) of the EU, UK and the US on Institutions of Russia and Belarus”.
On 26/03/2023 attorney Alexei Sereda made a decisive victory in the regular round of the popular intellectual quiz-show OWN GAME on NTV. In a heated contest Alexei defeated one of the strongest players of the tournament, breaking his streak of 10 victories in a row.
On 22/03/2023 Tatiana Tsepkina took part in the ordinary session of the Working Group on Criminal Procedure under the Public Commissioner for Protection of Rights of Entrepreneurs in the City of Moscow.
On 20/03/2023 Leonid Karpov made a comment on the pages of the Advocates' Gazette regarding the Cassation Ruling in case No. 78-UD22-36-K3 of 16/02/2023, by which the Supreme Court of Russia cancelled judgments of lower instances and terminated proceedings, during which the court of appeal imputed to the convicted person the legal consequences of actions not established in the indictment and sentence.
On 17/03/2023 the US Office for Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) issued the license to unblock and release over 90 banking operations originated by the bank – client of LINNIKOV & PARTNERS. The decision of the US regulator is truly unprecedented, because, according to the OFAC’s policy, its general rule is to consider exclusively individual applications for unblocking and processing of each suspended banking operation, regardless of the number of operations and amounts of blocked funds of each single applicant.